Even good things must come to an end. And so, here are the last two part of Craig's trip to Nepal.Look at Craig as he tries to prepare a fish for dinner (removing the gut and all!).
If you are a true Craig Parker fan, you would know by now how much he detests wearing hats! Watch him as he sly removes his Nepalese hat (he lost the first one on purpose!), but their tour guide Raj seems to magically produces one every time Craig looses his.
Busted! :)
Yup, I was head over heels over this guy, but can you blame me? I just hope he will never have to wear a long blond wig again. *wink*
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Intrepid Journeys with Craig Parker. Watch it here! : Part 2
Sorry if I don't update as often as I use to. Just busy with life I guess :)
Here's two of my favorite parts of Craig's journey. On this clip you will see the continuation of their hike up in the mountains. Strip a man of his accustomed convenience and glamor, and what is left is his human side which we rarely see. After an arduous trek up the mountains, Craig finally shows his vulnerability and starts to whine (in his mind at least). His happy thoughts leave him, and is in the edge of tears and throwing a huge tantrum, just to make it stop! But refrained from doing so, because "it wouldn't look good on TV One telly." Despite this ordeal, he manages (as always) to have a dry sense of humor of things. Bless him! Watch this clip and you will see... that he whines like a 10 year old boy and still manages to be soo adorable! Also, look as he starts kicking dirt or rocks along the path...a sure sign that he's starting to loose it...
This next clip is so hilarious even though I have only read his his experience going to a local barber to have a shave after several days of trekking. The first time I have read his diary online, I nearly fell off the chair from giggling so hard as Craig really has talent for telling stories, as if you were there with him! Love the part when the barber starts whacking him! Craig himself couldn't stop laughing.....
Here's two of my favorite parts of Craig's journey. On this clip you will see the continuation of their hike up in the mountains. Strip a man of his accustomed convenience and glamor, and what is left is his human side which we rarely see. After an arduous trek up the mountains, Craig finally shows his vulnerability and starts to whine (in his mind at least). His happy thoughts leave him, and is in the edge of tears and throwing a huge tantrum, just to make it stop! But refrained from doing so, because "it wouldn't look good on TV One telly." Despite this ordeal, he manages (as always) to have a dry sense of humor of things. Bless him! Watch this clip and you will see... that he whines like a 10 year old boy and still manages to be soo adorable! Also, look as he starts kicking dirt or rocks along the path...a sure sign that he's starting to loose it...
This next clip is so hilarious even though I have only read his his experience going to a local barber to have a shave after several days of trekking. The first time I have read his diary online, I nearly fell off the chair from giggling so hard as Craig really has talent for telling stories, as if you were there with him! Love the part when the barber starts whacking him! Craig himself couldn't stop laughing.....
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Intrepid Journeys with Craig Parker. Watch it here! : Part 1
Eight years. Yes, you heard me right. I have waited for eight long years just to watch this episode of Intrepid Journeys featuring Craig Parker's trip to Nepal!.But it is all worth the wait as it did not fail to showcase the wonderful humor and wit of the talented Mr. Parker.
Let's travel back to memory lane. Craig Parker is a popular New Zealand actor who came to fame by portraying the role of Haldir in the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, who's life was cut short by an orc-blade.Of all the Kiwi actors out there, Parker is probably the most visible. He's in every film/TV production which were shot in New Zealand e.g Xena: The Warrior Princess
(he is not part of the main cast but has graced the show as a guest several times!), The Young Hercules (as Bellerophon), The Power Ranger Series (here he did a lot of voice overs), The Legend of the Seeker (as Darken-Rahl) and the most recent Spartacus: Blood and Sand which is tauted as the sexiest and most violent TV series ever to hit American shores (woohoo! He's playing the role of Roman soldier, Glaber....is it me, or is it getting warm in here? Ahem.) Unfortunately having no cable TV does not help at all. I usually catch Legend of the Seeker thru Studio 23, but that also depends what time I get home.
Anyways, in this TV show (well actually through his diary of this trip to Nepal) that I really came to know/notice him. I couldn't care less about Haldir as he looks like a drag queen to me! Besides, being a blond does not suit him.
For Craig Parker fans like me, here is you chance to watch the complete episode of Intrepid Journeys with Craig Parker. Thanks to flowerofheaven70for posting and sharing this on YouTube.
Here is Part 1 &2 :)
Let's travel back to memory lane. Craig Parker is a popular New Zealand actor who came to fame by portraying the role of Haldir in the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, who's life was cut short by an orc-blade.Of all the Kiwi actors out there, Parker is probably the most visible. He's in every film/TV production which were shot in New Zealand e.g Xena: The Warrior Princess
Anyways, in this TV show (well actually through his diary of this trip to Nepal) that I really came to know/notice him. I couldn't care less about Haldir as he looks like a drag queen to me! Besides, being a blond does not suit him.
For Craig Parker fans like me, here is you chance to watch the complete episode of Intrepid Journeys with Craig Parker. Thanks to flowerofheaven70for posting and sharing this on YouTube.
Here is Part 1 &2 :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Reminiscing "Legends Of The Fall"
My sister and I had a chance to go to out last week. We didn't want to watch Iron Man 2 for the 2nd time, so we just decided to roam around SM Mega Mall instead. We dropped by Astrovision and see which DVDs and CDs are on sale. And boy, were they on sale! In the CDs section they have this promo called "buy 3 for the price of P200". I immediately went for it and started scrounging for movie titles. I was quite pleased because I was able to find movie titles that were difficult or rarely get's released.One of them is "The Princess Brides"
and a favorite of mine, "Legends of the Fall"
starring "His Royal Hotness" Brad Pitt. I was totally obsessed with this guy after watching "Interview with the Vampire
". I was only 16 years old then when a neighbor (who's already a college student" asked me to accompany her. She's making a report for her English class and didn't want to watch a movie by herself. How did I got in? They weren't as strict back then and I was pretty tall for a 16 year old, all I have to say is "I'm born on 1976" and that's it! Of course watching Interview With a Vampire is a whole different experience. It is eerie in a sense that you see a lot of humans getting their jugulars bitten, but there's also the nudity. It wasn't so bad, but thank God there weren't any male vampires doing frontal nudity as that would have left me extremely traumatized!
Going back to Legends of the Fall, at the beginning of the movie I heard the all to familiar musical score, which is one of my favorites! The music was written by James Horner (Apollo 13, Titanic, and most recently AVATAR). I once read in a magazine that you can never claim that you're a movie buff if you don't have a collection of it's soundtracks. That I find very true!How else can you go back and relive your favorite moments right? At the time that I have read that article, I was already collecting cassette tapes of movies that I love. From Dying Young
(Julia Roberts), The Sound of Music
, Love Affair
(the one starring Warren Beatty & Annette Benning), Apollo 13
, and so much more that I cannot recall all of them. In the age of CD's though, I remember buying a soundtrack of "The Soong Sisters"
. The movie is about one of China's powerful families at the turn of the century. The middle sister (Maggie Chung : Hero, In The Mood For Love) was married to Sun Yat-sen (he's actually a contemporary of our National Hero Jose Rizal, and their clinics in Hong Kong was just a couple of blocks away from each other!). The eldest (Michelle Yeoh : Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Memoirs of a Geisha) was married to a powerful Chinese business man. And the youngest (Vivian Wu: Joyluck Club) was married to military Commander Chiang Kai-shek. Musical score was written by Kitaro
, probably one of the very first artists to introduce the "New World Music" genre.
I miss collecting movie soundtracks, I didn't realize it then but it was my hobby, and a lucrative one at that! But times are tough, you could buy so many things with P450. Well, I always say that if it is a movie that I really love, money never matters.:)
And as an ending to this post, I give you the Legends of the Fall theme. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I don't have a boyfriend... but I have tons of crushes! : Part 4
I saw this amazing theater actor on "The Nativity Story" his role being the foster father of Christ, opposite Keisha Castle-Hughes as Mary. Just to refresh your memories Castle-Hughes holds the record for being the youngest actress to be ever nominated for an Oscar in the Best Actress Category. She was just 13 years old then.
If you have seen this movie, you will notice that it is more of a "Joseph" movie as it show's the struggles of a man who must choose between doing the right thing according to their faith or what his conscience and heart is telling him. Here it showcases Isaac impeccable acting and how well he internalizes the character. Notice how he could give an array of meaning even with the smallest of gestures.
Isaac is a graduate of the prestigious Julliard School in New York. Popular Alumnus would be the late Christopher Reeve and his good pal (they happen to be room mates) Robin Williams. In 2005 and 2006 consecutively he was featured alongside other talented stage actors to perform at the "Shakespeare at the Park" which is held every summer in Central Park, New York. In 2005 he took part in the modern re-telling of "The Two Gentlemen of Verona" and playing the role of his love interest would be Rosario Dawson (Mimi, from the movie version of Rent). The following year he played the role of "Romeo" in "Romeo and Juliet" opposite Lauren Ambrose (Six Feet Under). He plays a very intense Romeo here and he truly shines on stage! Leonardo DiCaprios's perfomance is chicken feed compared to his (sorry to DiCaprio fans out there, no harm intended.)! There were short clips from this performance a few years back, but unfortunately none of them exist on the internet now, except for this one which I encourage you to see if the link is working.
Isaac will seen next in the "Agora" opposte the exotic Rachel Weiss, and playing the villain on "Robin Hood" starring Russel Crowe.
I saw this amazing theater actor on "The Nativity Story" his role being the foster father of Christ, opposite Keisha Castle-Hughes as Mary. Just to refresh your memories Castle-Hughes holds the record for being the youngest actress to be ever nominated for an Oscar in the Best Actress Category. She was just 13 years old then.
If you have seen this movie, you will notice that it is more of a "Joseph" movie as it show's the struggles of a man who must choose between doing the right thing according to their faith or what his conscience and heart is telling him. Here it showcases Isaac impeccable acting and how well he internalizes the character. Notice how he could give an array of meaning even with the smallest of gestures.
Isaac is a graduate of the prestigious Julliard School in New York. Popular Alumnus would be the late Christopher Reeve and his good pal (they happen to be room mates) Robin Williams. In 2005 and 2006 consecutively he was featured alongside other talented stage actors to perform at the "Shakespeare at the Park" which is held every summer in Central Park, New York. In 2005 he took part in the modern re-telling of "The Two Gentlemen of Verona" and playing the role of his love interest would be Rosario Dawson (Mimi, from the movie version of Rent). The following year he played the role of "Romeo" in "Romeo and Juliet" opposite Lauren Ambrose (Six Feet Under). He plays a very intense Romeo here and he truly shines on stage! Leonardo DiCaprios's perfomance is chicken feed compared to his (sorry to DiCaprio fans out there, no harm intended.)! There were short clips from this performance a few years back, but unfortunately none of them exist on the internet now, except for this one which I encourage you to see if the link is working.
Isaac will seen next in the "Agora" opposte the exotic Rachel Weiss, and playing the villain on "Robin Hood" starring Russel Crowe.
Monday, May 3, 2010
AVATAR : Still breathtaking, even on the small screen!
I finally got a DVD copy of AVATAR
a couple of days ago. It was released on the 22nd of April 2010, coinciding with the celebration of Earth Day. Since it was released in the middle of the month, I had to wait till my pay day which is at the end of the month. I was thinking... "I didn't have to join the rest of the world in buying the DVD just to show my support!" After all waiting builds up anticipation, until I finally got the a copy. Do I sound disapointed? Maybe just a bit. Don't get me wrong though, the film is just as good on TV as it was in the big screen (minus the 3D effects of course). Visual effects are still breathtaking, and very entertaining to watch, however being the movie buff that I am, I wasn't just looking forward to the movie alone...
James Cameron made it clear that they will release the film as it is with no other extras. I think that is because 20th Century Fox is gearing for a re-release some time this August, and it will include some of the deleted scenes that they were mentioning to the press. And that would be the sex scene between Neytiri and Jake Sully (exciting!). However, as I was looking about at the video store, I got curious on the movie clipboard promoting the Blu-Ray
version of the film. They somehow made an impression that it has more content than the DVD. So I approached the sales lady and asked her. She confirmed that it does have extra's to it which I find rather unfair. I understand that Blu-Ray's offer a crisper image and could store more data, but what about us who cannot afford such an expensive electronic equipment? Should we just content our selves with small tidbits of left-overs?
When Cielo and I went to an appliance center last Saturday, while she waits in line I asked for the price tags on Blu-Ray players, and my conversation with the sales guy ended with him showing me all of these high end LCD/HD Television sets which are even more expensive! I told him that I would have to think about it. What?! I can't tell him the truth that I cannot even afford a decent digital camera despite my salary.
As I was saying earlier, all of these small concerns has not diminished my admiration for the film. There is an extended version of Jake Sully's (Sam Worthington) video log, expressing his confusion over his loyalties. Will he still be a hardcore Marine by following orders from Col. Quaritch? Or has he truly become a Na'vi not just by rite, but also in heart and spirit. It's nice to see Sully having moments like that as it show's more of the complexity of the character.
Again, you shouldn't miss watching AVATAR on DVD or Blu-Ray, even if it's for the nth time! It is very much worth the wait and you will definitely get you money's worth as well! Hell, I might even consider buying a Blu-Ray just so I could get a Blu-Ray copy of AVATAR!
James Cameron made it clear that they will release the film as it is with no other extras. I think that is because 20th Century Fox is gearing for a re-release some time this August, and it will include some of the deleted scenes that they were mentioning to the press. And that would be the sex scene between Neytiri and Jake Sully (exciting!). However, as I was looking about at the video store, I got curious on the movie clipboard promoting the Blu-Ray
When Cielo and I went to an appliance center last Saturday, while she waits in line I asked for the price tags on Blu-Ray players, and my conversation with the sales guy ended with him showing me all of these high end LCD/HD Television sets which are even more expensive! I told him that I would have to think about it. What?! I can't tell him the truth that I cannot even afford a decent digital camera despite my salary.
As I was saying earlier, all of these small concerns has not diminished my admiration for the film. There is an extended version of Jake Sully's (Sam Worthington) video log, expressing his confusion over his loyalties. Will he still be a hardcore Marine by following orders from Col. Quaritch? Or has he truly become a Na'vi not just by rite, but also in heart and spirit. It's nice to see Sully having moments like that as it show's more of the complexity of the character.
Again, you shouldn't miss watching AVATAR on DVD or Blu-Ray, even if it's for the nth time! It is very much worth the wait and you will definitely get you money's worth as well! Hell, I might even consider buying a Blu-Ray just so I could get a Blu-Ray copy of AVATAR!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Enjoying my new Nokia X3-00!
It is mid-day, after two days of (unpredicted) pouring rain in the middle of summer, here we are again... enduring the exhausting heat and humidity that's topping the charts! The only way I know to deal with it is to drink lots of ice cold Coke ( I know, unhealthy) and listen to Gymnopedie no.1, as it always reminds me of a breezy and yes sometimes, a rainy day. I like rain, I mean an honest to goodness rain that is, not a typhoon or a hurricane! Unlike most people who are always looking forward to summer vacations,me, I'm just dreading the terrible heat. Well, after typhoon "Ondoy", all of us were left devastated and traumatized! Nowadays, a heavy down pour that lasts more than 20 minutes is enough to scare shit in most of us. Especially for us folks who live here in Marikina City.
Enough stalling. I got my new Nokia X3 about a week ago. I have been a post-paid subscriber of Globe for more than two years so I could upgrade my plan. The thing is, I have to agree to a new subscription for me to get a free handset. My eyes were actually set on the Samsung i5700, which is somewhat like an iphone. It's one of them smart phones/PDAs that you see rich people flaunting all time even while crossing the street! So, I agreed to a new subscription to get a new mobile phone, they checked my credentials, my credit limit was increased to I don't know how much exactly to be honest...and voila! a new cell phone for me! My sister and I just agreed to share in the expenses, which I really didn't mind, after all she had to pay in advance for the phone's plan, he he.
I was looking at it, and I knew it kinda looked familiar. It's not a brand new model but it feels that I have seen some one using the same phone. Then I realized that it's actually what we are using/sharing at the office right now to make long distance calls to hotels overseas, since the line is much clearer than Skype. I was soo disappointed. However, after a couple of days playing with it, I started to appreciate it more. Specially when I finally figured out how to download mp3's from the internet. I do not take a lot of pictures of myself though since I'm quite bashful in front of the camera. I hate it when I have to have my mugshot taken. If you look at all my ID' s, I always have this haggard look no matter how hard I try to smile and look perky, I still have this awkward and tired look on my face! I'm just not that photogenic I guess.
I noticed that Facebook and YouTube applications are readily available on the phone. Unfortunately, I'm unable to access these sites. I will have to blame my service provider, Globe Telecoms for this. There must be something wrong with the phone's Settings which I will check later this evening to avoid long queues. Since I do not chat a lot and couldn't care less for IMs but I was very much pleased to know that I could check my emails both for Yahoo! and Gmail on the Nokia X3.
What's on my play list? Not much, I have been listening to Lifehouse and since yesterday, it was all "Wait for me" by Hall and Oats and Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now". Why these songs you might ask? I dunno,I guess when I heard them I am only reminded by one person;)
Enough stalling. I got my new Nokia X3 about a week ago. I have been a post-paid subscriber of Globe for more than two years so I could upgrade my plan. The thing is, I have to agree to a new subscription for me to get a free handset. My eyes were actually set on the Samsung i5700, which is somewhat like an iphone. It's one of them smart phones/PDAs that you see rich people flaunting all time even while crossing the street! So, I agreed to a new subscription to get a new mobile phone, they checked my credentials, my credit limit was increased to I don't know how much exactly to be honest...and voila! a new cell phone for me! My sister and I just agreed to share in the expenses, which I really didn't mind, after all she had to pay in advance for the phone's plan, he he.
I was looking at it, and I knew it kinda looked familiar. It's not a brand new model but it feels that I have seen some one using the same phone. Then I realized that it's actually what we are using/sharing at the office right now to make long distance calls to hotels overseas, since the line is much clearer than Skype. I was soo disappointed. However, after a couple of days playing with it, I started to appreciate it more. Specially when I finally figured out how to download mp3's from the internet. I do not take a lot of pictures of myself though since I'm quite bashful in front of the camera. I hate it when I have to have my mugshot taken. If you look at all my ID' s, I always have this haggard look no matter how hard I try to smile and look perky, I still have this awkward and tired look on my face! I'm just not that photogenic I guess.
I noticed that Facebook and YouTube applications are readily available on the phone. Unfortunately, I'm unable to access these sites. I will have to blame my service provider, Globe Telecoms for this. There must be something wrong with the phone's Settings which I will check later this evening to avoid long queues. Since I do not chat a lot and couldn't care less for IMs but I was very much pleased to know that I could check my emails both for Yahoo! and Gmail on the Nokia X3.
What's on my play list? Not much, I have been listening to Lifehouse and since yesterday, it was all "Wait for me" by Hall and Oats and Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now". Why these songs you might ask? I dunno,I guess when I heard them I am only reminded by one person;)
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