My sister and I had a chance to go to out last week. We didn't want to watch Iron Man 2 for the 2nd time, so we just decided to roam around SM Mega Mall instead. We dropped by Astrovision and see which DVDs and CDs are on sale. And boy, were they on sale! In the CDs section they have this promo called "buy 3 for the price of P200". I immediately went for it and started scrounging for movie titles. I was quite pleased because I was able to find movie titles that were difficult or rarely get's released.One of them is "The Princess Brides"
and a favorite of mine, "Legends of the Fall"
starring "His Royal Hotness" Brad Pitt. I was totally obsessed with this guy after watching "Interview with the Vampire
". I was only 16 years old then when a neighbor (who's already a college student" asked me to accompany her. She's making a report for her English class and didn't want to watch a movie by herself. How did I got in? They weren't as strict back then and I was pretty tall for a 16 year old, all I have to say is "I'm born on 1976" and that's it! Of course watching Interview With a Vampire is a whole different experience. It is eerie in a sense that you see a lot of humans getting their jugulars bitten, but there's also the nudity. It wasn't so bad, but thank God there weren't any male vampires doing frontal nudity as that would have left me extremely traumatized!
Going back to Legends of the Fall, at the beginning of the movie I heard the all to familiar musical score, which is one of my favorites! The music was written by James Horner (Apollo 13, Titanic, and most recently AVATAR). I once read in a magazine that you can never claim that you're a movie buff if you don't have a collection of it's soundtracks. That I find very true!How else can you go back and relive your favorite moments right? At the time that I have read that article, I was already collecting cassette tapes of movies that I love. From Dying Young
(Julia Roberts), The Sound of Music
, Love Affair
(the one starring Warren Beatty & Annette Benning), Apollo 13
, and so much more that I cannot recall all of them. In the age of CD's though, I remember buying a soundtrack of "The Soong Sisters"
. The movie is about one of China's powerful families at the turn of the century. The middle sister (Maggie Chung : Hero, In The Mood For Love) was married to Sun Yat-sen (he's actually a contemporary of our National Hero Jose Rizal, and their clinics in Hong Kong was just a couple of blocks away from each other!). The eldest (Michelle Yeoh : Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Memoirs of a Geisha) was married to a powerful Chinese business man. And the youngest (Vivian Wu: Joyluck Club) was married to military Commander Chiang Kai-shek. Musical score was written by Kitaro
, probably one of the very first artists to introduce the "New World Music" genre.
I miss collecting movie soundtracks, I didn't realize it then but it was my hobby, and a lucrative one at that! But times are tough, you could buy so many things with P450. Well, I always say that if it is a movie that I really love, money never matters.:)
And as an ending to this post, I give you the Legends of the Fall theme. Enjoy!
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