Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clash Of The Titans Movie: Sam Worthington was right!

It is a popcorn type of movie! I may be bias because it's a Sam Worthington film that we are talking about, however don't just take my word for it. Go watch it!!! Remember this is a film that is not meant to be taken seriously so try not to get confused with the storyline as well.

The movie's world premiere is on April 2, 2010, here in the Philippines that would be April 3, 2010 which also falls on Black Saturday. Since we are predominantly Christian/Catholics, we observe traditions of the Lenten Season. Well perhaps not so much as I remembered it when I was young and my grandmother was still alive. We would do "Bisita Iglesia" on Good Fridays, not to mention there are no form of entertainment available during this period. Radio and TV stations would sign off as early as Good Thursday, if there was something on TV it would be the "Syete Palabras" ("The Seven Last words") or Jesus Nazareth which we would always watch. Nowadays, it's Boracay or which ever beach is accessible for most people, and they would just party all night. I have nothing against it, maybe I just miss being young again and having my grandmother around. There's always a sense of home in these traditions.

As it is Black Saturday, though most of the Malls will be open, it's expected that some of the people would still be out of town because of the long weekend. However, to my great surprise, there were long queues for the film, the movie house is jam-packed (it's single screening only) and again, there were really long queues! Maybe it's just me, but there wasn't a lot of buzz going on before Clash of the Titans was released. I think people are really starting to follow Sam's career now.He is after all, as Sigourney Weaver said: "The next action Hero". Gone are the days of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the audience is looking for an action hero who's believable and can live up to the reputation. Sam for me is a breath of fresh air. These days Hollywood is infiltrated with Metrosexual, Guyliner- wearing actors, who are using this new term/idea to be able to hide into their closets and fool the fans. With Sam, what you see is what you get. And he won't take shit from anyone. Loving the attitude mate! Wish I could be as brave and adventurous as you.

I will definitely follow Sam's career. Sure I've got crush on him, but he's also an inspiration for me.... to get out there and kick some ass!!!

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