Oh well, The Hurt Locker won Best Motion Picture at this years Oscars. The moment they announced the winner for Best Director, I already knew AVATAR's fate! Like I said, it was a stiff competion. Conservative voters may have a hand on the results this year. Preferring the "old fashion movie making" that the unconventional highly budgeted, not to mention the most successful movie of all time, that is AVATAR. Anyhow, one can never truly appreciate what it feels like to be a winner if he has not felt rejection & suffering first. Like I've so may times already, AVATAR is already a winner in more ways that one!
This year would go down in Oscar history that a female director was awarded for Best Directing, and I'm talking about Katheryn Bigelow. She has definitely open new doors for women in the movie industry, and she has proved that we women can also compete head to head againts the biggest (male) directors in Hollywood. Congratulations Ms. Bigeow, you have done an awesome job!
There's something that I noticed about the show or it may have jusr slipped my attention. every year, there's a part of the show that pays tribute to actors, directors, writers or anyone who has worked in the movie industry, who has passed on. Appropriately named "In Memoriam". Last year, Queen Latifah was given the task to take on this part of the show, which she ended with a beautiful song. At the latter part they showed clips of old Paul Newman movies (Paul Newman died of Cancer last year).
But today as I was watching the show, I can't remeber seeing any of that for this year> I did notice that something went wrong with the Channel 2's signal at the latter part of the show. Now that's a common problem with live broadcast...somethings always bound to go wrong! Guess I'll just have to watch the replay on Studio 23 then. And you know what.... I really don't mind.
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