No, it’s not a Steven Segal film *chuckling* though I cannot blame anyone who might think that it is. The movie title alone sends you back in the 80’s which is kind of ironic because one of its actors was widely popular for his movies in the later part of that decade. Does “Die Hard” or “Color of Night” ring any bells? Yep, Bruce Willis plays Henry Cavill’s father in the movie “The Cold Light of Day”.
Will Shaw while in a vacation in Spain finds his family kidnapped by Mossad agents only to find out that his father (who works for the CIA) has something to do with it. Will dangerously treads on foreign soil while desperately finding a way to save his loved ones.
The synopsis of the movie is enough for us to know what happens in the film and how it will turn out. Though there is a certain twist in the plot that one may be left wondering why the writers opted to go with that idea, still I find it a nice surprise though. Don’t you just hate it when you can pretty much predict what’s going to happen next? Better watch the film for you to know what I’m talking about. The story telling lacks depth and does not give a chance for its characters to shine (though Sigourney Weaver’s steely performance as a corrupt CIA agent adds some spice to the film), except for the star of the film Henry Cavill ( The Man of Steel, The Tudors) who plays Will Shaw. A Wall Street professional who’s somewhat strained relationship with his father (Willis) changes as he uncovers the truth about their family’s secrets.
At the start of the film, one can’t help but be awed at how much Cavill has physically changed though he has yet to be named as the next Superman at the time they were still shooting this film. Being a Superman fan myself, I’m really looking forward to see how Henry will play the all-time favorite super hero. Personally, I’m really keen on knowing on how he will portray Clark Kent because that will define how his Kryptonian alter-ego would turn out. Is he on the side of good or evil?
Here's a first look at Henry Cavill as Clark Kent =)
I am getting way ahead of myself here, going back to “The Cold Light of Day”. The movie was noticeably poorly lighted. At first I thought it was just me, but even my sister noticed it as well. In a chase scene between Henry and the police (one of them on horseback), it was broad daylight but you could hardly see Cavill’s face which is a shame, because such a handsome face is meant to be seen by the audience.
Henry is very good at displaying different kinds of emotion, may it be through his body movements or his facial expressions. Many instances you would see him visibly shedding a tear or two (and he cries pretty too!), most of all is that he’s not afraid to show vulnerability which is what’s lacking in most Hollywood celebrities today. This is a true mark of a seasoned actor. The movie may have not done well in the box office; it still is a smart move to have the audience get acquainted with Henry before he takes on the biggest role in his career to date. That is donning the “S” cape for “The Man of Steel” to be released on June 14, 2013 so mark your calendars people.
A fan made poster for the movie "The Man of Steel"
An actual shot of Henry (on set) wearing the Superman suit. Very promising don't you think?
A fan made poster for the movie "The Man of Steel"
An actual shot of Henry (on set) wearing the Superman suit. Very promising don't you think?
I told a co-worker that I don’t mind watching a movie more than once, especially nowadays when even the most basic of our necessities could cost so much. However I rarely spend on clothes or make-up and that’s because I have always been a jeans and T-shirt girl also, at this age I still do not know how to put on make-up! As of this writing, I’m getting ready for work and then watch “The Cold Light of Day” (for the second time) later in the day. Just in time before they take it out of the cinemas as “MIB” is due to be shown sometime next week here in Manila.
Looking forward to see more of Henry Cavill… there are rumors going around Hollywood that he's on of those actors being chosen to play the lead role big screen adaptation of “50 Shades of Grey”. Let's see if Henry will even consider this role.