I will waste no time and go straight to my topic which is very close to my heart. I as a child I was very quiet, shy and even too serious for my age. Did't had a lot of playmates except the ones that existed in my imagination. I've always dreamed of being befriended by a giant mecca (giant mechanical robot) like VOLTRON or being swept to the sky by no other than Superman himself. That's how I deal with loneliness. I have matured beyond my years and yet there's a part of me that will always remain that frightened and sad 4 year old kid.
Christopher Reeve will always be my hero. From being my very first crush, the feeling eventually evolved into something else... he became my dad. Now, there has been so many who took over his Superman cloak after the very last Superman movie, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. But none of them has ever came close to what Chris Reeve did for this character, Christopher made Superman fly! Remember they only rely on wire back then and special effect did not helped them so much either. For you guys to understand what I'm talking about, you would have to watch the special DVD of Superman I which includes commentary from Director Richard Donner and from some of the cast like Kidder Margot (which for me is the best Lois Lane) and the late Chris Reeve of course.
Of all the recent Superman I'm a bit bias with Barndon Routh because not only does he look like Christopher but he was able to imbibe some of Clark Kent's dorkiness which I find endearing. And now, come 2013 we will be yet again introduced to the brand new Superman, mind you he is not American but English. Henry Cavill a.k.a Lord Suffolk in the TV Series "The Tudors". Much is to be
said about his good looks and physique, but unlike Brandon, he can act! Sorry Brandon Routh fans, but it's the truth. I was so hooked on the "The Tudors" these past months but even so, I'm still having a difficult time placing him in th the character. Oh well, I believe there are some picture of him wearing the the costume floating about the internet and here's one of them. And here's a teaser trailer of the movie "The Man of Steel". Hope you guys liked it...I sure do! Ciao!